How to use Encynet SNS

This social networking service was designed for members of the Cyber Environment Network of World Local Governments to share your environmental issues, opinions, and information to make the world a better place. Add friends and join the conversation.

step01Post a friendly photo and add information on your profile.
Go to 'Settings' and write a message describing yourself.
step02Add friends on ENCYNET SNS
Click 'Find Friends' and add users who are registered on Encynet SNS as your friends. If you are friends with each other, you will be able to talk and share your environmental issues.
step03Post messages about environmental issues and solutions.
Post messages on environmental issues and solutions you think and talk with your friends.
step04Share the message you posted on ENCYNET SNS on other social networking services.
Go to 'Settings' and link with the other social networking services you use to feed your message on Encynet SNS to the other pages.
step05View your friend's posts.
When you click on 'View All Posts,' you can view all the posts made by your friends and other users on Encynet SNS. Listen to what your friends are saying.
step06Empathize with your friends
Empathize with your friends by leaving comments on their posts. You can click a 'like' button on the posts made by your friends to create a list of posts you like.
step06Send messages to your friends.
Go to 'My Message Box' to send messages or read messages from your friends. Send a friendly message to your friends.


  • - You can feed your posts on Encynet SNS to your Twitter and Facebook pages.
  • - You can view the recent posts made by Encynet SNS users through the 'View All Posts' page.
  • - You can send messages or read messages from your friends.
  • - You can click a 'like' button on posts to create a list of posts you like.